Wednesday 9 June 2010

Working Winter

The cat sits on my lap, as I waste time at the computer,
Facebook, blogspot, email and other odds and ends,
Off to work soon, but first a little sanity,
Then out into the cold darkness of the morning.

Marching in place at the bus stop for a little warmth,
Clouds erupt with each breath, dissolving into the darkness,
A lonely plane makes its way across the lightening sky,
The drone of the bus approaches, and at the bus stop we form a haphazard line.

The ticket machine reluctantly accepts our tickets,
Too early, too cold even for computers,
The bus drivers warm greeting briefly takes and edge off the cold,
The old bus rattles off, looking to save more people from the cold.

Through the foggy windows we see the surroundings lighten,
As we traverse suburbia, street lights gradually disappear,
Replaced by a warm looking glow from the sun,
But when the doors open we feel that the look is just a deception.

The bus slows for roadworks, as the city skyline comes into view,
Other Motorists zoom by - ignoring the warnings to slow past the works,
Nearing our destination, we see increasing signs of a city waking to life,
While cleaners and newspaper deliveries farewell the last signs of night.

Alighting from the bus, I am reminded that it is still winter,
Frosty cold starts to seep in, starting at the toes,
A hot air balloon rises, and disappears towards where we came,
Mainly buses and street sweepers fight for position on the road.

Entering work, instant warmth greets me, and the outside cold is forgotten,
yet removing my scarf, I am reminded that this warm is superficial,
A heater under my desk thaws my frozen toes,
The darkness of the window reminds me that winter days aren't so bright.

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