Monday 28 June 2010

Evil Cold

Sorry to do another 'It's cold' one, but it is....

All rugged up, I leave home into the dark coldness - cold but not horrible.
Jacket, beanie and scarf warm my torso, but my thin pants brush against goosebumps.
Ice crystals cover everything, making even the letterbox look cold.
The clear sky opens, almost forgetfully allowing the cold to settle on the earth.
With each step, the grass beside my path shimmers and sparkles.
Cars look like convertibles with white roofs, and translucent windows.
Smokers brave the cold, and as I look around, most of the houses smoke too.
I guess how far cars have driven by the layers of ice still covering them.
Off the path toward the road, and the slippery grass crunches softly underfoot.
The normal early plane overhead is missing - perhaps delayed by ice.
A hint of warmth in the light appearing in the east, when will it arrive?
Much fewer walkers than normal, no dogs today, but rugged up fitness fanatics.
An itch on the back of my neck is inaccessible through my scarf.
My pocket turns to ice in the brief moment I remove my hand.
Reaching the bus stop means standing still, and the cold hits harder.
Joints numbing, freezing now that movement has ceased.
The sound of an engine in the distance has all of us at the stop glancing up the road eagerly.
Finally the bus, and we huddle aboard into the warmth.
The sky brightens, and coupled with the heater on the bus gives the sense that a warm day comes!
But still I'm greeted with a blast of cold as I alight in the city, the warmth all an illusion.

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